21 Nov 2018

3 Things your Business is Not Doing to Win this Holiday Season


Everybody wants to take advantage of the holiday season for business growth and sales, but are you really doing all that you can? Just last year people spent $6.6 billion on Cyber Monday and $2.4 billion on Small Business Saturday. Here’s a list of 3 things your business probably isn’t doing – but should start – in order to win this holiday season.


Focus on Retention

It’s great to hit peak sales during the holiday season but what’s even better is turning holiday shoppers into year-round customers. If you only focus on generating a quick holiday sale you will be missing out on the opportunity to expand your reach and current clientele. One way of doing this is by getting their contact information. Inform them that by giving you their email or phone number you will be able to let them know about more promotions, sales, and new products and services. Also, try to direct them to your social media accounts.

Pay attention to your unhappy customers. Customers who didn’t have a great experience with your company can teach you a lot. Encourage feedback from all customers. By doing this your attention will be called to a problem you probably didn’t know you had and it gives you the opportunity to fix it. Moving forward you won’t run into any more unsatisfied customers with that same issue and you might have even turned the unhappy customer into a regular by taking the time to fix the problem.


Detail how your product/service is relevant

Everybody is promoting sales during the holiday season, but you want your company/brand to stand out from the rest. A good way to do this is by detailing how your product is relevant to the holiday season. Aside from a good deal, why is this product something people should purchase during this season? You need to inform your audience on why it is important for them to get the product right now and how that product will be able to solve a problem for them.


Invest in your brand

Yes, you want to generate revenue during this holiday season and that is the goal, but you also need to think about investing in your brand. When is the last time you’ve updated your company’s software? When is the last time you’ve brought new technology? The holiday season is the perfect time to make sure you are advancing your brand and business. You want to make sure you have the latest software and technology, related to your respective field, in order to efficiently cater to your customers. Having to deal with outdated versions can increase the risk of having malfunctions and can add extra stress. The holiday season is busy and fast-paced, don’t let your business fall behind.

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Don’t know where to start? Plan your social media + email marketing like a pro, click here to grab the Holiday Sales and Marketing Boost Bundle!





Written by Winer Intern Loryn Hairston